U.S. House of Representatives
The Honorable Sam Johnson
1030 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Sir:

I am directing this letter and request to you as suggested by the staff of Jim Barcia.  This request is in regard to one of your constituents, John William Woodmansee, Lt. General, USA(Ret) of Plano, Texas.

Thirty-six years ago Army Capt. John William Woodmansee, placed his life on the line for a group of grateful Marine pilots and crew members. Throughout the day of March 27, 1964, Capt. Woodmansee placed himself and  flight of Dragon UH-1B gun ships between the Marines and a well armed and entrenched Viet Cong at a place called Do Xa, Vietnam. For his leadership and many personal acts of heroism, the Marines he helped save that day recommended that he be awarded the Navy Cross.  We do not think the politics of the time was right for this proper award, but 36 years have not changed the minds of the Marines making this initial request.

We have included a description of this battle from our website www.hmm-364.org for your review and are confident you will support our request. I am sure your staff is proficient in pursuing this type request through various military and political channels.  If additional information is needed please contact myself or Gen. Woodmansee at the following addresses:

Warren R. Smith
1817 Center Ave
Bay City, MI 48708 
Lt. General John W. Woodmansee, USA(Ret)
5832 Gallant Fox Lane
Plano, Texas 75093

Respectfully yours,

Warren R. Smith
Former crew chief and gunner

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