2004 Birthday Ball, Page 3 of 4

Glenn E. Prentice, Sgt. - Forward Observer/Radioman, C/1/13.

Tom Esslinger, 1stLt. - CO M/3/26.

Robert Tipton, PFC - Rifleman I/3/26

Anthony Bartleson, LCpl. - 105mm Howitzer Det., C/1/13

Richard Foley, 1stLt. - Executive Officer, I/3/26

Jack Kilbride, PFC. - Machine Gunner, I/3/26

From left, James Sigmond, Jim Brindley, Bill Kilbride, Robert Arrotta, Anthony Bartleson, Frank Gulledge,
Glenn Prentice and Owen Matthews.

Would be remiss if I did not mention our photographer Owen S. Matthews.
That is why you have only seen him in group photos.  Owen is the owner of
a construction company in Winter Park, FL, and 2dLt. - 2nd PltCdr, I/3/26.
Thank you Owen.

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