With knee board in hand I took the brief
We fired up ole Kilo Eight
As I look out the window, I'm in for a shock,
With holes in the windshield, It's getting breezy,
The Purple Fox |
The Proper Definition of Rank
Leaps tall buildings with a single bound.
COLONEL Leaps short buildings with a single bound.
LIEUTENANT COLONEL Leaps short buildings with a running start.
MAJOR Barely clears quonset hut.
Makes high marks trying to leap buildings.
FIRST LIEUTENANT Runs into buildings.
SECOND LIEUTENANT Falls over doorstep when entering a building.
SERGEANT (ANY) Lifts buildings and walks under them.
'Twas the night before Christmas,
We were all pretty beat,
Our stockings were hung on field ranges with care,
The tent flaps opened and somebody screamed,
He tore up our sacks as fast as he could,
Laughing he turned and dashed out of the tent,
He was airborne in a second, and then came the shout,
Theldon C. Horn's History Index