Emails sent from people outside the squadron to thank those who served in HMM-364 in 1969.
Thank You. Who ever you are that saved my life that day. My name is Johnny Herrmann, Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Retired. On a Force Recon insert early 69
for the 1st Force Recon Company, in the Thong Duc region in Nam way west of Da Nang. I was a member of team Crazy Bone being inserted that day by repel. Our
radio man was first, and Robinson was next. He wasn't so lucky, durning his descent the 46 rose up about 20 feet, we usually kept about 5 to 10 feet of rope
on the ground, for safety sake. When Robinson put the brakes on at 10 feet above the ground no rope was left under him, and he slammed into the ground at a
very high speed, suffering unconsciousness. I repelled down awaiting the jungle penetrator coming down thru the hell hole. After loading him up and assending,
he regained consciousness 5 feet under the bird in a dellerious state and was causing me much difficulty in holding him on. One of the crew members looking
down into the hell hole reliazed what was happening in time and beeped us up so they could reach our harness belts and keep us from falling off. Great Great
attention to duty in saving our lives while my buddy was in an out of control situation. |
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