1stLt. Robert L. "Bob" Marshall.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Robert L. Marshall
1stLt. Robert L. Marshall at the Nong Son Coal Mines
with an ARVN Colonel.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Robert L. Marshall
Had some transmission problems, set her down at an
Army artillery base, Los Banos. Standing by the right stub wing is
Lt. Bruce "Sweet Bruce" Jensen.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Robert L. Marshall
Flares light the night sky some distance away from
Marble Mountain Air Facility.
Photo by, 1stLt.
Robert L. Marshall
1stLt. Paul Stansel and I were on Medevac standby
at LZ Baldy. Paul is choking down some delicious C Rats!!
Photo by, 1stLt.
Robert L. Marshall