Page-1 | Morris Brown , Joan Heath, JC Taylor, Joe Darell, Keller, Robitalle, Pat & Nancy Kenny |
Page-2 | Al Chancy, Walt Wise, "Chief" Torrez, The Benaks, Delbert Cox, Joe Washington. Ed Jolly, |
Page-3 | Walt Wise, Pat Kenny, Crider, Dobiz, Robert Saffell, Rosco Combs, Mike Blome, Brown, Torrez & Wages |
Page-4 | The Youngs, Torrez, Brandt, Wages, The kniffens, Patty Macintyre and Roger Plate, Duke Washington, Chuck Hoppe |
Page-5 | TJ Davis, Willy Williams, Schmitz, Plat, Combs, Keller, Young, Williams, Chancy and One Original Squadron Patch |
Page-6 | Al Chancey, Sid Gale, Pat Kenney Rosco Combs, Len LaSac, Sousa, Taylor, Davis, Young, Williams, Wise, The Criders, The Dobroz |
Page-7 | Cox, Hoppe, Saffell, Ellen and Dave Schmitz, Plate, Williams, Souza, Davis, Dave Magee, Dave & Ellen Schmitz |
Page-8 | Robert Steinberg, Crider, Doboz, Torrez, Magee, Kinffen, Combs, Brandt, Cathy Schrock, Robitaille, LaSacDworsky |
Page-9 | Vicki Wages, Benson, Plate, Combs, Brandt, Souza, Young, Davis, Taylor, Steiny, and our Banquet Room |
Page-10 | Benak, Saffell, Jim Sigman, Rich Dworsky, Ron Echols, Rich Foley, Herricj Lord, Joe Darrell and Joe Washington |
Page-11 | Rose Marie, Randy, Benak, brown, The Chanceys, The Youngs, Joan Heath, Taylor, Hoppe, Magee and many others |
Page-12 | John and Doris Morris, Joe and Lucile Washington, The Sigmans, Torrez, Vicki Wages, Doboz and Crider plus others |
Page-13 | The Criders, Kathy Kniffen, Vicky & Kerry Wages, Torrez, Pan & Nancy Kenny, Benson, Brandt, Plate and other folks. |
Page-14 | Joan Heath, Morris Brown, Norma & Al Chancey, Rose Marie Young, Crash, Dobosz, Len LaSac, Kathy Robitaille. |
Page-15 | The Branson Belle, Doris & John Morris, The Washingtons, and Rich Foley, |
Page-16 | The Kenneys, Foley, Ron Echols, The Kellers, The Benaks, Norma & Al, Pat Robitaille, Echols, Sid Gale & Magee |
Page-17 | The Kellers, Steiny, The Lords, On the bus |
Page-18 | The Robitailles, theKellers, Souza, Tailor, Davis, the McGlaughlins, the Magees and Chuck Hoppe and others. |
Page-19 | The Chanceys, Saffell, the Sigmans, Echols, LaSac, the Kniffens, the Washingtons and the Kenneys |
Page-20 | Joe Washington & the Benaks, Marie & Joe Darrell, Herrick Loard and John Morris, Carol Foley and Sara Dworksy. |
Page-21 | Filey, Dworsky, Washington, Schmitz, Hoppe, Plate, The Chanceys, The Dworksys, Saffell, the Magees and others |
Page-22 | Sid Gale, Steiny, Schmitz, Torrez, Sigman, Plate, Chancey, The Kellers, Robintaille,Young and "The Breakfast Club" |
Page-23 | Dobez, Torrez, Kniffen, Brown, Wages, CriderSid Gale, Norma, Judy, Gloria and Rosco Combs. |
Page-24 | The Breakfast Club in full force! |
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