Dave Powell's Hill 881S Collection - Page 9

Faces of Warriors - Continued

Only enough water to clean this part of the anatomy.  This Marine has been tentatively identified as Sgt. Steve "Scar" Scarborough.
The penetrating stare of Mike Company's Commanding Officer, 1stLt. John T. "Tom" Esslinger.  When the NVA made him mad, they paid for it!
Usually if a man was in trench line without helmet, it was because he was on 'tube pop' watch.  Each platoon usually had one or two men who's duty was simply to wait and listen.  Could hear better with helmet off.  Once the 'pop' was heard they would holler, "Incoming," at the top of their lungs, put helmet on, and dive for cover.  So would everyone else. Who is it? Webmaster
Catching forty winks anywhere anytime available, but always deep down in Mother Earth. T.C. Simms, Mike Co Radioman.
Cpl. Robert J. Arrotta was the Forward Air Controller.  The troops dubbed him "The Mightiest Corporal in the Marine Corps" due to the vast amount of devastating air delivered ordnance he could bring to bear on the NVA.

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