Dave Powell's Hill 881S Collection - Page 20

The Supergaggle - Continued

An A-4 Skyhawk delivering smoke as the final procedure prior to sending the helicopters into their respective zones on the hill.

Four birds, two clawing for altitude to be out of range of NVA antiaircraft fire.  Lower left has 'pickled' his load, nosed over to gain airspeed and transitional lift.  The other beginning the transition to approach and hover with a load of bunker timbers.

This "Purple Fox" pilot, with a load of C-rations, is being guided to his drop zone by a member of the Helicopter Support Team (HST).  All others on the hill are hunkered down anticipating the incoming.  The HST Marines stood there with their backs to the NVA gus, antiaircraft rounds whipping by them, mortar rounds 'on the way' - what a superb gesture of disdain! 

Two more "Purple Foxes" have delivered their external loads and departing.  The interval between aircraft was very small, ten to fifteen seconds was desired.  Enough time to maneuver yet keep the delivery time to minimum.

And still they come, the lifeline to Hill 881S.

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