John R. Braddon
9924 Great Oaks Way
Fairfax VA 22030-1607
February 9, 2000

The Honorable Sam Johnson
1030 Longworth Building
Washington DC 20515

Dear Representative Johnson:

Recently you were contacted by Frank Gulledge Maj. USMC (Ret) regarding a recommendation made by Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 364 (HMM-364) that then Capt., now LtGen. John Woodmansee USA (Ret) be awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism against the enemy on April 27, 1964.  Maj. Gulledge believes that the failure of the Marine Corps to even address the recommendation of the award of the Navy Cross to an Army officer is a miscarriage of justice.  I completely support Maj. Gulledge’s opinion.

Following the action of April 27 and 28 of 1964, the HMM-364 awards board, of which I was the senior member, recommended that awards for valor be granted to participants in the engagement.  Ultimately, each of the aircraft commanders was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and one was awarded the Silver Star.  The highest award the board recommended was the Navy Cross for Capt. Woodmansee.

All of us who participated in the Do Xa insert know that Jack Woodmansee was a hero.  He laid his life on the line for us.  We wanted to show our gratitude and admiration for his extraordinary heroism.  Unfortunately our recommendation was never considered.

I sincerely hope that, after all these years, this injustice can be corrected.  I would hope that the Marine Corps would take this opportunity to correct a 36-year-old mistake and honor Jack Woodmansee and the brave Marines who sought to honor him.


John R. Braddon
Col. USMC (Ret)


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