John R. Braddon
9924 Great Oaks Way
Fairfax VA 22030-1607

February 9, 2000

Commandant of the Marine Corps
Navy Annex
Washington DC 20370

Dear General Jones:

Enclosed is a letter I wrote to the Honorable Sam Johnson, U. S. Representative from Texas.  Representative Johnson represents the Texas district that is now the home of Lt. Gen. John Woodmansee, USA (Ret.).  At the urging of Frank Gulledge, Maj. USMC (Ret.), I have added my comments to those of others urging that the award of the Navy Cross which was recommended by the HMM-364 Awards Board in 1964 for the extraordinary heroism exhibited by then Capt. Woodmansee.  Many of us who took part in that operation believe that we probably would not have survived had it not been for the gallant armed helicopter support we received from the U. S. Army armed UH-1s.  In particular we were deeply indebted to the extraordinary heroism displayed by Capt. Woodmansee.  The HMM-364 Web Page has all the particulars of the operation.  My most vivid recollection was watching Capt. Woodmansee attack a gun position in an armed HUEY that only minutes before had shot down and A-1.

All of us who served with Jack Woodmansee wanted him to receive the Navy Cross.  We still believe he should receive it, even after all these years.  We are indebted to Maj. Gulledge for pursuing this initiative to correct an injustice.


John R. Braddon
Col. USMC (Ret.)

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