Subject: Award of Navy Cross
Date:  Sun, 13 Feb 2000 16:29:17 -0500
From:  "John Braddon" <>
To:  "Robb, Chuck" <>, "Warner, John" <>
CC:  "Woodmansee, Jack" <>, "Franklin A. Gulledge" <Webmaster>

Dear Senators Warner and Robb:

Since you represent me in the Senate and because one of you is a former Marine and the other a fromer SECNAV, I am attaching correspondence I have sent to Representative Johnson of Texas and the Commandant of the Marine Corps.  It is my hope that legislators such as yourselves who have military experience will help us to recognize the extraordianry heroism of Jack Woodmansee and also honor the intent of the brave aircrew of HMM-364 who so enthusiastically recommended that an Army officer be awarded the Navy Cross for his actions in support of our combat operations.

If you have questions, you may reach me at my Email address or at 9924 Great Oaks Way, Fairfax VA 22030.


John R. Braddon
Col. USMC (Ret.)

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